Sunday, March 9, 2014

First Try at Gouache!

I went to El Matador Beach today for my landscape Painting Club where I had my good friend James Finch do a demo for the students!! His painting turned out freaking amazinggg. I then tried my hand at gouache, which was a little frustrating, but fun at the same time!! Plan to do more of these to get more practice.  I forgot that the paints dry darker, so it didn't turn out how it looked before, but all good! Still learning :)

Jame's beautiful finished painting!! I LOVE all the colors in the rocks.
 40 min study on a roughly 5x9 moleskin. Colors kind of suck but hopefully I'll nail it more next time!

20 minute sketch of another view...
I like how the instagrammed one looks better HAHA.

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