Friday, March 28, 2014

Ernest And Celestine- so Inspirational!

I was watching an interview with the director for Ernest and Celestine, and it was so amazing to see their throughout process for the development of the story along with the unique art style.  I LOVEEEEE the water color backgrounds that they hand painted- they are so simple, yet so full of emotion at the same time.  I think animated features like that are so rare nowadays, when it actually looks like it was crafted with love by hand, and everything looks imperfect.  Something he said in the interview really struck me, and I will have to paraphrase below!

He said that they decided to hand paint their backgrounds because they wanted accidents, and often times when you paint things on a computer, you get caught up in fixing it.

Isn't that simply amazing?? Accidents is what makes the film even more beautiful and organic.  And it is such great inspiration for my thesis as well because I am hand painting all my backgrounds in water color too for the same reasons!

Check out the link below for the interview!

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