Monday, October 14, 2013

Some concepts for my thesis...

So as a senior, I am currently slaving away on my thesis film... kind of happily. I feel like I'm working too slow all the time, and right now, all I want to do is crank out a bunch of vis dev pieces to determine style and color, which I feel like I need to settle on more.  It's all in my head... gotta get it down on paper.  The art style for it is going to be sick- at least that's how I'm envisioning it. It will be a myriad of watercolor, and digital, and a transition of black and white to color.  It follows the journey of a blind boy as he dreams through music one night following some notes he hears in the air, thus embarking on a magical journey.  That's all I'll say for now! :p

Experimenting with colors for the ending sequence! I really want to play with pastels, calming, kind of vibrant colors. Also working on composition! Not sure if I was too successful here.

Experimenting the with the grainy effect, which I really want to use for the beginning of my film since it will start of black and white.  I wanted the outside to look purposely blurry and drippy, as he is not really seeing anything but putting together his own interpretation of things outside. I was also playing with silhouettes as well, trying to keep it simple but graphic at the same time.  Going to experiment more with this look. 

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