Monday, June 9, 2014

New Prop Designs for Thralled

This past week, I've been working on designing some new props and redesigning old props for the first chapter of Thralled, the game I am currently working on as the main artist. The first chapter takes place in a forest in Pernambuco loosely based on the Atlantic Forest for reference, and since it takes place during nighttime, we really worked on trying to create that dark and musty atmosphere that wasn't quite there before.  We will be presenting at E3 this week from June 10th- 12th, so if you are planning to come, stop by our booth!
Redesigned the motif tree because it really didn't look that good before... now it feels more like haven...kind of. 

Made a lot of the main trees for the forest darker to make them look more nighttime-ish!

Designed more trees and plants..

Designed some minkisi that are to be dispersed throughout the forest.

Other interactive props I redesigned. 

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