Thursday, January 30, 2014

People Scribbles

Today, I was experimenting with creating people shapes out of straight- ish lines.  and just layering them over and over again to get shadows.  I ended up scribbling sometimes, but it was actually kind of fun.  Trying out different styles!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Doodlin' Random Chics...

Late night doodle of some random girls... they were both inspired by people I saw today at school.  Trying to practice muscle memory and remember things I like and draw them later.  I really liked the girl's sports leggings and thought the lines going down the sides of the pants made her legs look really slender.  This other really pale girl looked really chill/ sleepy and I kind of liked her baggy outfit.  I realize I sound like a creeper right now, but I swear I'm not!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Hiking to the Portuguese Bend!

Today, I decided to explore the outdoors and go on some hiking in the lovely Palo Verdes.  Here are some pictures below that I especially like! :)

Exchanging Letters

A final-ish version of the picture I posted earlier, which was actually for my boyfriend. It was our 3 year anniversary today, and I wanted to illustrate the tradition we do of exchanging letters instead of gifts each year :)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

More Water Colors from Venice Canals!

Hello there!

Here are some watercolors I did yesterday from Venice Canals! We took a trip there for my club, Landscape Painting Club, which I started last fall semester at USC. A lot of members showed up, which made me really happy :) I did two mini paintings like last time- the first one took longer, and the second one ended up being a quickie 30 min one for lack of time.  I don't know if its just me, but I find it fun to paint under pressure :p

Friday, January 17, 2014

Exchanging Letters

Something in the making that I will finish by monday for a special day.... :)

The baby is coming to life!!

The baby I designed earlier for the game Thralled is coming to life! I redesigned both characters in the animation from previous models :) The animator for the game is BOSS.

Friday, January 10, 2014

My Gonggong and Popo

I'm currently in the the process of painting a semi-big portrait of my grandparents for their 60th Diamond Anniversary! It actually already passed, but I haven't had much time to work on this so it's going by slowly.  It's still a surprise though! Thought I'd post up my progress for now, and when it's finished, which will hopefully be soon! My grandma's almost done, but now I need to work on my grandpa.

Chilling at Farmers Market

Yesterday, I went to the Grove to fix something on my computer and ended up sitting down at Farmers Market doing a quick 30 minute sketch sesh! Had lots of fun drawing people eating and letting delicious, tempting food aromas waft up my nose.  It was definitely hard to resist, but I managed to not spend money on food :p

That guy top left was wearing a really tight jacket.

Left one was a messup!

Joy and Momo

My roommate is obsessed with this stuffed animal seal her boyfriend gave her.  She named it Momo, and she literally talks to it all day.  But don't worry she's not as crazy as I make her sound... or I hope :p She asked me to do a caricature of her so I naturally insisted on drawing her with Momo.  Here it is! I had lots of fun doing this little water color sketch in a wonderful sketchbook my dad gave me :) Thanks Dad!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Winter In Venice

I've lately been really nostalgic about Europe, and I keep thinking about the time I studied abroad in Florence, Italy last fall.  It was one of the best experiences of my life- I jus got to travel a lot and be immersed in a wonderful new culture.  I went to Venice with my best friend there during fall break, and even though it was just 1 and a half days, it was definitely a blast.  Thought I'd do a sketch to commemorate those memories :)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I'm currently designing the baby for Thralled, an iOS game I have worked on for a couple of years now! The game is about a runaway slave during 1600's Brazil who is in search of her baby son that was taken away from her.
I had to make him really cute and calm looking! I also learned a couple things about babies through drawing him: they are super chubby and tend to kind of double chins :p

Vegas Mountains

A little piece Inspired by the Vegas Mountains I saw when driving back from our trip to Vegas 3 ish weeks ago! It was like flat green land and blue mountains, so simple but regal!

Don't really know which one I like better... I overlaid a texture on one and left the other one as is.  Choose your pick!

Inspiration picture!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Miss Being a Kid

Inspired by a little boy I saw on my Thanksgiving cruise to Mexico.  So cute!!